Pivot through the pandemic

“This is the time for all good people to come to the aid of their community.”

I hope you are safe and well and at home. For over a month, I traveled through as many as five airports a week with rumblings of a virus on my coattails. The news curtly said, “Don’t shake hands” and I attended a conference where 400 people packed in a ballroom and hugged friends they hadn’t seen recently.

Then we were disrupted. The disruption continues in various, but accelerating degrees. The changes are abrupt. We don’t like or know how to handle some of them. Others are smooth.

But WE will get through them. And I hope some of my thoughts help you through.


We’ve been disrupted! We need to Pivot and Transform our lives! We won’t find a “new “normal” (the latest buzzword.) I truly didn’t cause this disruption! (the book title just happened to match the crisis we’re in.) We can help people through this crisis that we’re experiencing personally, at home, in our businesses, communities, globally, and in our economy. We will prosper on the other side of this. The timing will be different for everyone.

PIVOT MEANS you have to make a change.

The faster the better. You can have foresight or hindsight. Some people saw the pandemic coming and took action (foresight.) Others may have seen it and denied its severity or didn’t understand it, or didn’t even see it coming until it got close to home. And it’s fast like a wildfire and deadly. To see it and get out of its way, PIVOT! Bold, new different actions are necessary. Survival is optional.


Some of us have played musical chairs! It’s quiet. Or you need some quiet time and want to scale up your leadership knowledge. How will you address issues you’ve not confronted before? You can read or listen to my leadership transformation book: PIVOT DISRUPT TRANSFORM. It will give you bold new ways to think about the challenges you’re faced with. Or let’s talk. I’ve heard so many times over 25+ years of consulting, “Marcia, it’s been lonely at the top! Finally I can talk; you understand, and I can think things through.”