Marcia's Leadership Q and As: Survival Is Optional

Q. Our company had great leaders, teamwork, products and service for our customers. Last year the Board brought in a CEO who is a jerk and only cares about numbers (his bonus) and not people. Even VP’s and managers are afraid to speak up or leave. Will we survive?

A. In the short term, you’ll probably survive. For how long, there’s not a finite answer. “It depends” is the realistic answer, and here’s why. We’ve seen some founders with brilliant ideas and poor leadership qualities build unicorn corporations. The corporations grew and lasted for years before eventually the founder’s poor behavior got them ousted. If they are not fired by the Board, customer and employee backlash can impact the business until the Board has to make a change.

We’ve also seen Boards bring in sharp, cut-throat CEO’s with clear missions to grow the business, their competitive edge, the profits, shareholder value and stock price--at any cost. It’s generally a short-term focus for investment companies or a board to make amazing bonuses. A few even have good intentions—or so they tell themselves. 

The business grows in the short-term, but its growth with toxic leadership, a dysfunctional culture, and high turnover, is not sustainable. Those CEO’s rarely last long, sometimes only for a few months or years. When they leave, their reputation goes with them.

Some corporations that have a toxic Board, CEO and a bullying culture often compensate their employees well.  It’s the handcuffs that keep the employees in their jobs, but it’s not sustainable, and eventually people quit. Unhealthy leadership will either destroy a business, or it will morph into a stagnant, floundering enterprise incapable of improving, innovating, or transforming.

Survival is optional. Leadership is optional. Creating a healthy, happy, productive, and successful workplace is also optional. It’s your choice where you work.